A blue and white logo for bulloch technologies

Market Leader in Petroleum POS Systems

Driving excellence with thousands of systems across North America.

A white background with a few lines on it

NACS 2023 in Atlanta - Visit Us At Booth B383

A drop of water is falling into a glass on a white background.

Our Clients

For over 30 years, we’ve built strong relationships with the best in the industry.

With thousands of point of sale systems installed coast to coast, the Bulloch BT9000™ (Canada) and Bulloch POS™(US) is the most widely used and best supported station controller available in Canada.

The esso logo is in a blue circle on a white background.
The 7 eleven logo is on a green background.
The word mobil is written in blue and red on a white background.
The circle k logo is on a red background.
A red triangle with a green maple leaf on top of it.
The ultramar logo is a yellow bird flying over a blue background.
The logo for petro canada is a maple leaf on a red background.
The chevron logo is a blue , red and white chevron arrow.

Now Available In The United States

A blue circle with a white check mark inside of it.

Fully functional In-Pump EMV

Bulloch implemented EMV at the pump in 2010. We were the first in North America and are fully deployed. We have the experience.

A blue circle with a white check mark inside of it.

Simplicity / Stability

The user interface is designed to optimize cashier efficiency. To us, every key press matters. With 30 years of continuous evolution we have evolved. Stability is Evolutionary not Revolutionary.

A blue circle with a white check mark inside of it.

Loyalty Program Experts

Conexxus and proprietary loyalty interfaces currently supporting multiple simultaneously loyalty programs.

A blue circle with a white check mark inside of it.

Choose your Back Office Vendor

Conexxus members. Standards driven interfaces allow for flexibility. We also support non-Conexxus data for additional customer driven data.

A person is pointing at a computer screen next to a gas pump.

Meet the BT9000™

This flexible system combines the most features and lowest cost base of any comparable controller in use today.

Numbers Don't Lie

Your success is our priority


Sales Processed Annually

$96M daily

$35 billion

A clock with a dollar sign inside of it.


Transactions Annually

$1.4M daily

520 million

A hand is holding a credit card in a circle.
A white number three on a blue background

Like what you see?

Visit the Dover Fueling Solutions page for more information.

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